A bit fearful

It's every school library leader's dream: a totally flexible schedule. Eight years ago when I finished my MLS, I hoped that I would land in a library with a flex schedule. This year- it's just what I have. After so many years of fitting in a mold of fixed library specials~ there's a new opportunity: one to redefine what library looks like.

So, I'm a bit fearful. What if I do it wrong? What if I underserve my students? What if I miss an opportunity? Or, what if I overschedule? Overcommit? Then what good am I?

Here's where I land today- learning to flex. Trying to find the balance between what my  ideal brain paints the picture of, and what is realistic. Serving. Modeling. Encouraging. Leading. Learning. Growing. Wondering what it will look like in the end~ and being excited about the process.


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