Going with it….

Having a flexible library means often means suspending the idea of having a plan for the day- and just going with it. Today was a total win: let me explain.

We were short a sub, so I needed to cover part of a class in the computer lab. When I came out of the lab and into the library - there was an entire class of students with their teacher. What was going on? They weren't on my "schedule?"

So here's what happened~ it was one of the longer blocks for the teacher- so the entire class came to the media center to work through rotations together. Some students were reading to self. Some students were book shopping. Some students were working on a written response. Some students were pair reading. What was the teacher doing? Conferencing- sometimes about books, sometimes about writing, sometimes doing a fluency check. It was AWESOME! The teacher was working with some- I worked with some. How? Book advising. Informal conferencing. For 40 minutes we worked together- the library was vibrant with learning.

And guess what? It energized me. We both loved it, and will do it again!

Today- I learned another valuable lesson in flexibility: be open to the option of not having a schedule. you might be surprised.


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